Through the RISE program, mechanical engineering undergraduate students leverage our state-of-the-art facilities working alongside internationally-renowned faculty to tackle cutting edge projects that impact our society. The Mechanical Engineering Undergraduate Symposium (MEUS) is the accumulation of the students’ work.
During the day, seniors in ME 490 will present their RISE projects in 20 minute presentations. Everyone is welcome to attend these sessions and ask probing questions!
Sophomores and juniors conclude their projects with a poster session during the evening reception, where students will be available to discuss their projects in detail. The posters will also be on display during the day, if you are unable to attend the reception.
The public is invited to peruse the posters, attend presentations, and interact with the students throughout the day.
Complete poster and presentation schedule details can be found in the Symposium Schedule. RISE project technical abstracts can be viewed below.
Posters (ME 290 and 390)
Finding a Critical Viscosity Ratio for Rolling and Sliding Motion of Droplets on SLIPSStudent: Lisa Kong
Instructor: Solomon Adera
Abstract not yet available.
Mapping Sustainability and Justice Implications of Offshore Wind Energy in the Great LakesStudent: Declan McGrath
Instructor: Sita Syal
Abstract not yet available.
Advanced Magnetic Resonance Methods for Understanding Function in Solid-State Battery SystemsStudent: Shunzhi Zhang
Instructor: Jing Tang
Abstract not yet available.
Esophageal Injury Early Warning System Student: Sasha Lee
Instructor: Grant Kruger
Abstract not yet available.
Esophageal Injury Early Warning SystemStudent: Samantha Nicole Lorzano
Instructor: Grant Kruger
Abstract not yet available.
Motion Analysis and Design of Bionic Swimming RobotStudent: Naike Wu
Instructor: Kenneth Alex Shorter
Abstract not yet available.
Motion analysis and design of Bionic swimming robotStudent: Mingkai Xia
Instructor: Kenneth Alex Shorter
Abstract not yet available.
Motion Analysis and Design of Bionic Swimming RobotStudent: Yuanshao Yang
Instructor: Kenneth Alex Shorter
Abstract not yet available.
Motion analysis and design of Bionic swimming robotStudent: Junhan Zhang
Instructor: Kenneth Alex Shorter
Abstract not yet available.
Paper Sessions (ME 490)
1. Bio/Health
Devoloping a Roller Culture for ex-utero EmbryosStudent: Haazem Turaani
Instructor: Jianping Fu
Abstract not yet available.
Development of a Circulator Insole for Diabetic Foot DiseaseStudent: Samuel Russell
Instructor: Albert Shih
Abstract not yet available.
Microfluidic Sorting of GUVs by Rigidity for Vascular Margination ApplicationsStudent: Chye Nguiakaramahawongse
Instructor: Allen Liu
Abstract not yet available.
Constrained Layer Inflatable and Shape Memory Polymer Systems for a Morphing Comfort Headrest Student: Myles Burchill
Instructor: Jon Luntz
Abstract not yet available.
Enabling Zero Impact Diesel Engines with Renewable DMEStudent: Benjamin Redgate
Instructor: Andre Boehman
Abstract not yet available.
2. Design 1
Sensor package for agroforestryStudent: Robert Russell
Instructor: Hugo Gonzalez Villasanti
Author: Robert Russell
Keywords: agroforestry, precision agriculture, sensors, network, semi-arid, low-cost
Native tribes and impoverished farmers in semi-arid regions of Latin America lack funds and government support to effectively manage farms and crops. Current farm processes on small scales are very empiric and require a lot of manpower and time to perfect, which out-prices these groups. In addition, current practices are environmentally unsustainable, and this region has seen aggressive deforestation in the last 20 years to accommodate large scale cattle farming and monocrops like soy. But current sensing technology is not adapted to semi-arid environments where temperatures can damage current hardware and their cost is prohibitive for this region. We are designing a sensor package that can aid these groups through the practice of Agroforestry and Precision Agriculture. Through these practices the usage of native plants and smart sensors that gather ecological data help maintain environmental impact at its minimum while using economical resources as efficiently as possible. We will design a networked audio-visual data collection and processing system which will measure biodiversity metrics that are important for the desired practice. The system will provide farmers with directions on specific actions related to precision agriculture. We will use CAD software to design the housing and configuration of components. We will develop a power budget needed to be able to run all electronic components that will enable us to design a solar panel solution needed to allow the sensor package to function without the need of an outside energy source.
Coupled Tendon Constrained InflatablesStudent: Kyler Bautista
Instructor: Jon Luntz
Abstract not yet available.
Development Tendon Constrained Inflatable Semi-Rigid endcaps for application in Morphing WingStudent: Lukas Fenske
Instructor: Jon Luntz
Abstract not yet available.
Porous structures for lightweight automotive componentsStudent: Erik Wahr
Instructor: Mihaela Banu
Abstract not yet available.
3. Dynamics/Robotics
RTD for Manipulation Using a Suction GripperStudent: Matthew Ejakov
Instructor: Ram Vasudevan
Abstract not yet available.
Snake Fang FEAStudent: William Olenich
Instructor: Talia Moore
Abstract not yet available.
Chassis Design for a Modular, Low-Cost 6-Legged Robot for Dynamics and Control Experiments (FastAnt)Student: Dan Altman
Instructor: Eric Johnsen
Abstract not yet available.
Ergonomic Keyboard Design for AccessibilityStudent: Yuandi Huang
Instructor: Elliott Rouse
Abstract not yet available.
Open Source LegStudent: Ahmad Mirou
Instructor: Elliott Rouse
Abstract not yet available.
4. Design 2
Programable Bulk Modulus in Acoustic MetamaterialStudent: Jack Fredrickson
Instructor: Bogdan Ioan Popa
Abstract not yet available.
Process for Navigating the Design of Structurally Transformational Multimodal ProductsStudent: Lark Sawyer
Instructor: Jon Luntz
Abstract not yet available.
Constrained layer inflatables for tile-based morphing surfacesStudent: Parvin Virdee
Instructor: Jon Luntz
Abstract not yet available.
Integration of Constrained Layer Pneumatic Systems to Enhance Toyotas Mothership Kite CapabilitiesStudent: Kara Stark
Instructor: Jon Luntz
Abstract not yet available.
Experimental investigation of a fractal mechanical metamaterialStudent: Alison Brei
Instructor: Kon-Well Wang
Abstract not yet available.
5. Fluids
Visualizing Ice Attachment Mechanism to Solid SurfacesStudent: Matthew Lajoie
Instructor: Solomon Adera
Abstract not yet available.
Droplet impact dynamics on state-of-the-art engineered surfacesStudent: Jared Liebetreu
Instructor: Solomon Adera
Abstract not yet available.
Inflatables using Shear Thickening Fluid for Energy AbsorptionStudent: Marianne Lee
Instructor: Jon Luntz
Abstract not yet available.
Analytical Prediction For Cavitation Pressure WaveStudent: Sunaad Gurajada
Instructor: Eric Johnsen
Abstract not yet available.